Frédéric DUPUY, co-founder with Etienne de Fontainieu of the 100% digital debt collection agency LegalCity, had to present their selection of SAAS tools and applications for independent small and medium-sized businesses with whom CFOs and CPAs work.

Which SaaS applications to use for your accounting?


  • INTUIT QUICKBOOKS : In a few years, Quickbooks has become the most integrated and easy to use accounting and invoicing tool for small and medium-sized businesses and self-employed people in France. Regularly updated with new features (Cash flow forecast, Connector to retrieve supplier invoices, OCR of supplier invoices etc...). Easy to use Quickbooks allows you to find a Chartered Accountant close to you and qualified in the use of the application. Subscriptions are simple, economical and accessible and customer support is available. Quickbooks has an Ecosystem of applications which, with the help of QuickConnect, allows each user to obtain applications that will increase the value offer and the services proposed.
  • PENNYLANE: In addition to the fact that Arthur WALLER's teams have announced a fund raising of nearly 15 million Euros, PENNYLANE's vocation is to become the "Augmented" Accounting Firm of the future. It is clear that the support and the innovative and connected solutions provided to the client and under development in the Roadmap of 2021 will not fail to attract a large number of entrepreneurs looking for an integrated and dynamic solution offering reliable accounting services that are essential for management;
  • DOUGS and CLEMENTINE : Pioneers of the online Accounting Expertise and disruptive offers, these two Expertise Firms have for them the experience and the reliability of their processes and the customer support. With well constructed and accessible offers, the online accounting expertise and the tools made available will delight most users looking for a qualitative and economical service. The offers are mainly aimed at freelancers and craftsmen. As soon as your company exceeds certain thresholds, you will be offered a more personal support based on the volume of activity.


What tools should you use to manage your cash flow and receivables?


There is no lack of online tools! Many Start-Ups have launched themselves on this niche because the subject preoccupies many company managers.

Among the countless offers, if the applications and Excel files from your ERP accounting exports are not enough for you to obtain a reliable forecast, we recommend, in no order of preference, the following tools and applications:

  • UPFLOW : the application developed by Alexandre Louisy and his team focuses on solving unpaid invoices and customer receivables management problems by providing solutions and tools for monitoring invoices throughout their life cycle, from sending to payment. The promise is to accompany and provide a solution for the recovery of the receivables in order to reduce unpaid invoices.
  • LEANPAY: one of the latest additions to the accounts receivable management market, this application, which also works in SAAS, allows its users to better understand customer risk by setting up reminder scenarios and detecting the risk of non-payment early enough in the sales and billing cycle.
  • CLEARNOX: This solution is certainly aimed at a type of customer who already has a large volume of business. This cloud solution provides a complete tool for dunning and management of the customer account, which significantly reduces DSO and improves working capital.
  • KOPILOT and AGICAP : The first named is a SAAS solution whose "manifesto" is to help companies in the management of the entire value chain by providing useful features for the implementation of a forecast of sales, expenses, operating income with a strong emphasis on short-term cash flow. The second, AGICAP, continues its strong growth in France but also in Germany. The last fund raising enabled it to consolidate and considerably improve its positioning in the list of cash management tools.

Why choose these different SaaS applications?


The selection of tools is based on 25 years of experience in Administrative and Financial Management for Frédéric DUPUY and in WEB application project management for Etienne de Fontainieu. LEGALCITY SAS currently publishes 2 platforms whose vocation is to offer solutions for resolving disputes and conflicts to small and medium-sized businesses and the self-employed.

A bad apprehension or a bad management of these problems often results in bankruptcy.

What are the tools available at LegalCity to collect unpaid bills?


  • Credit investigations and the ordering of Scoring, monitoring of prospects, customers and the most strategic suppliers.
  • Amicable collection by unit or by unlimited privilege subscription with the guarantee of obtaining the lowest commission on the market
  • The judicial collection of BTOB and BTOC debts by way of injunction to pay in partnership with a network of bailiffs and lawyers.

What about managing disputes and conflicts?


The LEGALCITY and JUSTICITY platforms therefore offer to digitalize the management of disputes while placing a "conflict manager" at the heart of the system, a real assistant working to find and follow up on amicable and legal solutions.

At JUSTICITY, once you have included a Mediation and Arbitration clause in your contracts, you will have the opportunity to manage all your disputes online using Alternative Dispute Resolution methods that will bring speed, economy and confidentiality before any long and costly legal action.

The 2018-2022 Justice Programming Law imposes in this regard the use of Mediation for disputes estimated at less than 5,000 Euros and the trend is, in the future, to generalize the use of this alternative justice which proves to be fast, economical and confidential, preserving contractual relations.

LEGALCITY is the only 100% digital online collection agency for small and medium-sized businesses and self-employed people rated EXCELLENT by its clients on TRUSTPILOT.

All of the applications and services mentioned in this article will eventually require the services offered by the LEGALCITY and JUSTICITY platforms.

The construction of Ecosystems, the integration via API in order to give "SEAMLESS" access to the functionalities around the LEGALCITY and JUSTICITY platforms and the speed of integration of services by the teams of developers will finish convincing the editors of the value offer provided.

Finally, one thing is certain and established to this day, the current movements around the Neo-Banks that address the VSE/SME market also suggest that by 2021 the so-called traditional operators will be concentrating and taking over.

The agility of the start-ups will remain a key factor in the success of the offers and functionalities that will be presented to clients in the direction of greater integration and digitalization. Alliances with ASSURTECH will also be in place in 2021.


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