LEGALCITY announces a partnership with INTUIT to facilitate out-of-court collections for businesses
accounting, business creation, business law, tax law, administrative formalities, payment orders, laws and regulations, debt collection, statisticsDebt collection has never been so easy since the arrival of LEGALCITY!

Optimize your debt collection:
amicable collection, debt collectionOptimize your debt collection: Why use a specialized debt collection agency?
Optimize your debt collection ? The modern economic landscape is a land of challenges and opportunities, but it's also one of...

Recovery of unpaid bills from a French debtor
injonction de payer, Justice, mediation, QuickBooks, amicable debt collection, debt collection, SolvencyWhen you are a foreign company with unpaid debts to a French debtor, it can be difficult to recover your money.
LEGALCITY is a SAAS platform for amicable and judicial debt collection in France that ensures a simple, fast and economical intervention

Impairment of bad debts
accounting, tax law, Uncategorized, debt collectionWhen receivables are considered doubtful, companies are required to write them down. This depreciation is recorded as a loss on accounts receivable. It allows the value of the receivable to be realistically reflected in the company's accounts.

Small claims collection
accounting, administrative formalities, injunction to pay, amicable collection, debt collectionCollecting unpaid small claims can be a long and complicated process.
Fortunately, there is a simplified collection procedure for debts of less than €5000.
In this article, we will explain...

Bailiffs: regulated fees and strict ethical obligations
administrative formality, injunction to pay, Justice, Law and regulations, amicable collection, debt collectiontrust does not exclude control.
Under this somewhat outdated adage, we can only be pleased that an organization like the DGCCRF - Ministry of Economy, through its controls and publications, can investigate the good and bad practices of #collection firms and #husbanders!

Effectiveness of the DGCCRF's "Name & Shame
injonction de payer, Justice, Law and regulations, Uncategorized, debt collectionThe latest publication of the DGCCRF has been released:
It concerns its activity of control of the payment periods of the Companies.
Legalcity wonders about the efficiency of the "Name and Shame" of the DGCCRF.
The DGCCRF is the most...

The 2021 selection of CFO SAAS tools and applications enhanced by LEGALCITY
arbitration, accounting, tax law, administrative formality, injunction to pay, Justice, Law and regulations, mediation, QuickBooks, amicable collection, debt collection, SolvencyFrédéric DUPUY, co-founder with Etienne de Fontainieu of the 100% digital debt collection agency LegalCity, had to present their selection of tools and SAAS applications for business managers.

Preserving cash flow: more than ever the sinews of war
administrative formalities, inventory management, laws and regulations, amicable collection, debt collection, SolvencyIn these turbulent times, the control and monitoring of your cash flow are essential to ensure the sustainability of your company and avoid default. When we talk about cash flow, we think about WCR (Working Capital Requirement)...