Judicial officers are indispensable actors in the implementation of legal decisions, such as debt collection, seizures and evictions. However, their activity in France is more and more criticized, especially regarding their pricing practices and their behavior towards individuals and small businesses.

The law regulates the tariffs of judicial officers, fixed by decree with maximum amounts authorized for each billable service. In spite of this, the high rates charged by judicial officers are regularly denounced by citizens and companies.

Judicial officers are subject to strict ethical obligations, particularly in terms of professional conduct. They must act with impartiality, loyalty and probity, and respect the rights and dignity of the persons with whom they are in contact. Unfortunately, some abusive practices have been reported, such as psychological pressure exerted on people in debt, unjustified seizures, or additional fees charged in an abusive manner.


debt recovery

The General Directorate of Competition, Consumption and Fraud Control (DGCCRF) has taken measures to supervise the activity of judicial officers in France. It has reinforced the criminal and civil sanctions in case of infringements committed by judicial officers, in particular in case of non-compliance with tariff or ethical rules. Judicial officers can thus be prosecuted and fined, or even have their activity suspended.

In conclusion, despite the regulation of tariffs and the strict ethical obligations imposed on judicial officers in France, abusive practices have been reported. The DGCCRF has reinforced the penal and civil sanctions against judicial officers to fight against these abuses. It is therefore important to make citizens and companies aware of the applicable rules and the possible recourses in case of a dispute with a judicial officer.

It is also possible to be accompanied by an amicable collection agency.

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For more information: https: //www.linkedin.com/posts/frederic-dupuy_contr%C3%B4le-du-recouvrement-de-cr%C3%A9ances-commerciales-activity-7054343111891722240-RjsY?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

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