Observatory of payments by French companies

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Is there a need for more severe sanctions? According to Bercy, the PACTE law does not provide for any.

The Large Companies are once again put to the index within the framework of the Assises 2018 on the payment periods. Delays which let us recall are at the heart of the bankruptcy of many small and medium structures.

Today, only 46% of payments arrive on time (90% in Denmark, 75% in Poland, 71% in Russia, or 66% in Germany).

Only 58% of companies with more than 250 employees pay on time, whereas 3/4 of VSEs/SMEs respect the deadlines!

"Pay your suppliers sooner!" 

11 days of late payment on average for an invoice shows that calling upon a collection agency, especially in amicable periods, is necessary and even very useful. It also allows for a first salvo at a lower cost. Small and medium-sized businesses are not mistaken; many of them are already starting to use this service, especially since the arrival of digitalized, almost turnkey solutions, such as those developed by the brand new LEGALTECH "LEGALCITY".

The PACTE law does not add new measures!

the growth and durability of companies are threatened by late payments. However, the requests and remarks made by BERCY against large companies remain dead letters!

With the arrival of the RGPD, the "name and shame" that BAD PAYEUR wanted to put in place is simply compromised. Only an amicable approach and an accompaniment of the debtors by an ethical and responsible collection agency can allow the sensitization of the bad payers and the reduction of the payment delays. The current legislative framework allows them to act effectively since no substantive solution has yet been provided.

40% of delays due to litigation 

Disputes are diverse and sometimes "solvable" thanks to the intervention of an external mediator within the collection firm. The use of a digitalized online debt collection solution allows for the resolution of 80% of disputes and, for the most recalcitrant debtors, facilitates the implementation of an online payment order procedure.

Frédéric DUPUY


Going further:

Observatory Report: https://publications.banque-france.fr/liste-chronologique/rapport-de-lobservatoire-des-delais-de-paiement

Annual report by economie.gouv : https://www.economie.gouv.fr/rapport-annuel-2017-observatoire-delais-paiement

Our services : https://legalcity.fr/recouvrement-de-creance/

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