State aid COVID19
In these exceptional and unprecedented circumstances, Legalcity is mobilized to communicate all the useful information put in place by the State for the companies and those that you are with us creditor or debtor.
I/Company assistance: thecertificate of loan guaranteed by the state
Companies can ask their banks for a cash loan covering a maximum of 3 months of turnover
- All the companies French companies can make the request
Limits: with the exception of SCIcredit institutions and finance companies companies under safeguard, recovery or judicial liquidation proceedings
- The state guarantees the loan up to 90% to to SMEs with less than 250 employees and less than €50 million in sales, 80% for other companies with a turnover of more than €1.5 billion and less than €5 billion during the last financial year; 70% for other companies
- No refunds will be required́ the first year, The company may choose to amortize the loan over a maximum of five years
ATTENTION: Any company that fails to meet its payment deadlines will immediately be denied the government guarantee for its cash loans
The procedure for the loan application is fast and simplified to the maximum.
A/ For companies with less than 5000 employees
- The company must approach its bank (or one or more banks) to apply for a loan
LimitThe cumulative amount of these loans must not exceed 25% of the turnover or 2 years of payroll for start-ups or innovative companies.
- The bank examines the application (including eligibility criteria and compliance with limits) and gives a preliminary-loan agreement
- The company must then connect to the site
- Upon confirmation of the unique number by BPIFRANCE the bank grants the loan
- In case of difficulty the company can contact the BPI at the following address
B/ for companies with more than 5000 employees
- The company must approach its bank (or one or more banks) to apply for a loan and obtain a pre-agreement
- The company sends its request to
- The guarantee is granted by individual order of the Minister of Economy and Finance and the bank releases the funds to the companies
II/Company assistance: thehe solidarity fund
- Concerns only the self-employed, the micro-entrepreneurs, liberal profession who have a turnover of less than 1 million euros in sectors that are closed or with a turnover that has decreased by 70% from one year to the next
- VSEs are also eligible if they have a turnover of less than 1 million euros, an annual taxable profit of less than 60,000 euros and a workforce of less than or equal to 10 employees.
Useful info: For businesses not in existence on March 1, 2019, the turnover turnover monthly turnover 83,333 between the creation of the company and March 1, 2020. For the others, the period taken into account will be from February 21 or March 31
- The amount of aid will be €1,500 for those with a loss of turnover of more than €1,500, and will be equal to the amount of the loss for those with a loss of €1,500 or less.
- Make your declaration to the DGFIP from 31/03/2020
- L'monthly aid will be paid to the company at the beginning of the month following the month in which the loss of turnover occurred and will be renewed in April and May if the crisis persists
III/ Company assistance: the anti-bankruptcy device
The anti-bankruptcy device is an additional flat-rate aid of 2,000 euros paid by the regions.
- Concerns companies with at least 1 employee who cannot pay their their receivables due within 30 days and which havehave been refused a cash loan of a "reasonable" amount by their bank
- The platforms will open April 15, 2020
- The company will need to apply and attach an estimate of its cash flow and demonstrate an imminent risk of bankruptcy and finally the name of the bank of which the company is a client and which refused́ a loan from cash flow of a reasonable amount, the amount of the loan requested and its contact in the bank
- If the request is compliant, the aid will be paid by the DGFIP
- All the companies which are confronted with difficulties will be able to ask for the postponement of these social charges by simple sending an email
- The request can be made by e-mail on, subject "Your contributions", reason "Payment difficulties" or or by phone at 3698
- Employers and self-employed professionals must log on to their online space on the website and send a message via the heading "A declarative formality" then "Declare an exceptional situation", or call 3957.
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