Tag Archive for : LAWYERS

LEGALCITY announces a partnership with INTUIT to facilitate out-of-court collections for businesses
accounting, business creation, business law, tax law, administrative formalities, payment orders, laws and regulations, debt collection, statisticsDebt collection has never been so easy since the arrival of LEGALCITY!

The principle of compulsory representation by a lawyer and the injunction to pay procedure
injonction de payer, Law and regulations, UncategorizedRepresentation by a lawyer is, in principle, mandatory for any claim exceeding €10,000 before the judicial court (article 760 of the Code of Civil Procedure) or the commercial court (article 853 of the Code of Commercial Procedure).

Lawyers' fees: the revolution is underway!
business law, tax law, employment law, UncategorizedLike many businesses, law firms are subject to market changes that call into question their traditional pricing methods.