Label archive for: legalcity injonction de payer 2023

LEGALCITY announces a partnership with INTUIT to facilitate out-of-court collections for businesses
accounting, business creation, business law, tax law, administrative formalities, payment orders, laws and regulations, debt collection, statisticsDebt collection has never been so easy since the arrival of LEGALCITY!

A little more than a year after the reform of the injunction to pay procedure, Legalcity takes stock for you:
business law, administrative formalities, injunction to pay, laws and regulations, debt collectionOne year after the reform of the injunction to pay procedure, LEGALCITY, the online collection agency, wishes to shed some light on the matter.
Between useful adjustments and attempts by bailiffs to maintain their level of remuneration, we look back at a reform that has no effect on the speed of the procedure.