LEGALCITY announces a partnership with INTUIT to facilitate out-of-court collections for businesses
accounting, business creation, business law, tax law, administrative formalities, payment orders, laws and regulations, debt collection, statisticsDebt collection has never been so easy since the arrival of LEGALCITY!

Until now, mediation has been little used and is finally taking off with Justicity, the online mediation platform!
business law, tax law, social law, administrative formalities, mediation, debt collectionThe law for the reform of justice of March 23, 2019 allows the judge to order the parties to meet with a mediator, including in summary proceedings, and extends the prior obligation to attempt an amicable resolution prior to referral...

State aid COVID19
accounting, business law, tax law, employment law, laws and regulations, debt collectionIn these exceptional and unprecedented circumstances, Legalcity is mobilized to communicate all the useful information put in place by the State for the companies and those that you are with us creditor or debtor.

Procedure for unpaid rents
business law, tax law, employment law, laws and regulations, debt collectionWhen the owner notices unpaid rents, he must first contact his tenant in an amicable way. He can also directly contact the tenant's guarantor and/or his unpaid rent insurance...

The Debt Collection Agency: a pillar of your cash management strategy
tax law, debt collectionThe Debt Collection Agency: a pillar of your cash management strategy!
In normal times, nearly 60,000 bankruptcy filings are registered by the Registries in one year!
Nearly a third of these are due to...

FAQ : Which company statutes should I choose? LegalCity answers you
business creation, business law, tax law, administrative formalities, UncategorizedCriteria to be taken into account

How to choose between the Sole Proprietorship, the Self-Enterprise and the EIRL ?
company creation, business law, tax law, administrative formalitiesYou are alone in your activity? Do you want to test your market before jumping into the deep end of entrepreneurship?

Lawyers' fees: the revolution is underway!
business law, tax law, employment law, UncategorizedLike many businesses, law firms are subject to market changes that call into question their traditional pricing methods.