Everything you need to know about legal notices

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Legal notices

The legal announcements is a very particular form of advertising

the complete term for this type of announcement is " legal announcement

Judiciaire recalls the special character of the legal announcement and in particular the fact that it can follow the decision of a court but also addresses itself to the clerk of the Commercial Court.

Companies are not the only structures to publish legal notices

Most legal announcements concern the life and modification of companies. From the EI to the EURL, the public limited company (SA) listed on the stock exchange, the SAS, the SARL, the SASU, a large number of acts, from creation to modification, require a certificate of publication of a legal announcement.

The civil companies in their different variants are also concerned: real estate civil company (SCI), civil company of management for securities for example, the civil companies of means (SCM), or the professional civil companies for liberal professions.

Other legal notices concern individuals. This is the case for legal announcements published for a change of matrimonial regime or a change of patronymic name. In relation to the life of companies, a declaration of unseizability of the director also requires the publication of a legal announcement.

When to publish a legal notice?

The first publication of a legal announcement takes place at the time of its creation, following the adoption of its statutes. Regardless of the legal form chosen(EURL, SARL, SASU, SAS, SCI...), the formalities for the constitution of the company require the provision of a certificate of publication in a legal announcement newspaper in a regional newspaper.

Throughout the life of the Company the Manager will proceed to the publication of other legal announcements.

This is the case for a transfer of the registered office, a change in the CAC representative, or a change in the corporate purpose. The content of the legal announcement will necessarily include the information contained in the new modified statutes.

What are the newspapers and which one to choose?

Each year, the prefectures publish a decree listing the authorized advertising newspapers.

The newspapers must meet the criteria defined by the law.

To be a newspaper of legal announcements, the frequency of publication cannot exceed one week.

Another criterion is the volume of distribution in the department.

The choice of the newspaper of legal announcements is made within the list defined by the prefecture, according to your deadlines.

On the LEGALCITY website, in addition to your articles of association and your company creation, you can manage the drafting of your legal notice at the best price on the market!

>> File a legal notice at the lowest cost with LEGALCITY

What does a legal notice look like?

The legislation of legal announcements does not allow to put a logo in the content of the legal announcement.

The formatting only allows capitalization and or bolding for certain parts of the ad such as the company name, and its legal nature.

Each legal announcement newspaper has its own font, font size and overall layout, so it is not necessary to call on a professional graphic designer to create a legal announcement.

In its form, your legal announcement will be similar to others published in the newspaper you have chosen.

The input forms on the websites allow you to preview the text and form of your legal announcement.

Pricing is defined by ministerial decree, which sets it for the whole of France by department.4 No commercial discount or rebate can be made.

The law reduces the rate by 70% for people who receive legal aid and by 50% in collective proceedings.

How much does it cost to publish a legal notice?

The price per line being the same within the department, it is thanks to the experience and an optimized composition that the service proposed by Legalcity.fr can reduce the cost of your legal announcement. The drafting of the text is reduced to the maximum while keeping the elements that are essential for a validation by the clerk of the commercial court or by the CFE. On average, the price of a legal announcement is around 100 euros including tax.

Going further:

Your rights: https://www.service-public.fr/professionnels-entreprises/vosdroits/F31972

Article culture.gouv : https://www.culture.gouv.fr/Sites-thematiques/Presse/Actualites/Publication-des-annonces-legales-des-entreprises-de-nouvelles-lignes-directrices

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