Statistical Observatory of the Trade and Companies Register

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Trade and Companies Register

Trade and Companies Register

Infogreffe presents statistical data on business creation. This statistical observatory deals with registrations and deregistrations carried out by the clerks of the Commercial Courts on the Trade and Companies Register. This is the most reliable statistical data on business creation.
The information is updated, completed and modified monthly. Follow our statistical analyses, a unique statistical observatory.

The Trade and Companies Register (RCS) is the legal publicity register for traders and all companies. A true civil status of companies, the reliability of the information is ensured by the control of legality and regularity of the constitution carried out by the clerk. Registration is essential since it implies the presumption of merchant status for all natural persons and the birth of legal personality for companies.

Judgments opening collective proceedings

These procedures make it possible to deal with the threat of the company's disappearance or to organize its liquidation when this has become inevitable. The safeguard procedure allows to solve the difficulties of the company within a judicial framework if the company is not yet in a state of suspension of payments. Otherwise, the company will have to declare its cessation of payments in order to benefit from a judicial recovery or liquidation procedure.

These proceedings can also be opened on the summons of a creditor who will seize the court or on the court's own initiative.

National statistics

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Each court office makes available to the public the statistics specific to its jurisdiction. To consult them, search for the court office.
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