Questions that accountants are asking about the digital revolution

accounting expertise

How can we rebuild the value chains of accounting firms, auditors and business lawyers? How can we reorient the strategy of all these financial or legal advisors and experts? How can they set up and organize new platforms to serve companies? And how can they reconcile their status as trusted third parties while adopting the disruptive practices of fintech, legaltech and other regtechs? A collective work answers the many questions asked by the legal and accounting professions, which are being shaken up and even threatened by the "digital" revolution.

Intended for accounting, finance and business law practitioners, but also for teachers and students, the book sheds light on the new services provided by the regulated professions for entrepreneurs and managers in these different sectors. Whether it be digitizing the accounting systems of SMEs or the rating and financial evaluation processes of start-ups. Because finance is becoming more and more tech-savvy, and justice has some predictive ambitions.

Public accounting, a major challenge

"It is up to the associations representing these professions to accompany their practitioners in this historic transformation," insist the authors of the book. The authors - a group led by André-Paul Bahuon, President of the Compagnie des Conseils et Experts Financiers (CCEF) and Jean-Jacques Pluchart, Professor Emeritus in Management Sciences - seek to provide keys to understanding the intensity of the change and its practical consequences. The stakes are high. The digitization of the accounting-finance process, for example, enriches relations with third parties, frees the company from minor tasks and allows financiers to concentrate on decision support work.

"Le financier, le juriste et le geek", by a group of authors under the direction of André-Paul Bahuon and Jean-Jacques Pluchart (Maxima edition)

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