The seizure-sale procedure after the order to pay at LEGALCITY!

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Seizure and sale procedure

After the order to pay you must think about the seizure-sale procedure!

With the help of LEGALCITY SAS, the creditor obtains a court decision such as a payment order.

Thus, the claim subject to the PI is certain, liquid and due!

LEGALCITY requests the executory formula to allow the Bailiffs to intervene.

The procedure of seizure and sale concerns only tangible movables.

It is not possible to seize intangible personal property.....

At the time of the seizure-sale the banknotes are seized what has for effect to quickly divest the creditor.

The order to pay and the service of the enforceable document

the service of a payment order by the bailiff allows him to intervene on the spot.

A period of eight days allows the debtor to settle his debt.

At the end of this period, the bailiff proceeds with the seizure.

Finally, it should be noted that other enforcement or protective measures (seizure of vehicles, seizure of bank accounts, mortgages...) are still possible.

A mandatory furniture inventory!

When the bailiff goes to the debtor's home, he makes an inventory of the debtor's furniture. This is why, if the debtor is present, the bailiff gives him a new order to pay the amounts due. If not, the bailiff makes an inventory of the furniture.

Thus, some furniture is exempt from seizure, for example furniture necessary for the debtor's life:

  • clothing,
  • the cooking kits
  • some tables, etc...

Then, the Bailiff draws up a "PV de carence" if the furniture has no market value.

Finally, in case of absence of the debtor, the bailiff asks a locksmith to open the door.

The procedure requires the bailiff to be assisted by two witnesses

And, at the end of the operations, the bailiff closes the door.

Sell the furniture?

At the end of the inventory, the debtor has one month to sell his furniture by mutual agreement.

Thus, this period allows the debtor to settle his debt or to propose a schedule to the creditor.

Until the end of the legal process, LEGALCITY SAS, with its network of partner bailiffs, seeks amicable solutions that will allow the creditor to recover his debts.

Last month, the bailiff travels with a mover to check the furniture and transport it to an auctioneer and ensures the sale.

The procedure of seizure and sale is extremely efficient to obtain the payment of your debt.

LEGALCITY SAS systematically invites you to recover your debts through mediation and an amicable procedure.

3 minutes are enough to do it is here: https: //

Within the framework of an injunction to pay, the creditor can directly enter his collection file here: https: //


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